What Are the Most Common Endodontic Procedures?
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What Are the Most Common Endodontic Procedures?

Are you looking for information on endodontic procedures to get an idea of what you can expect when you make an appointment with endodontics near you for problems with your teeth? For example, you might think Endodontists only perform root canals and not any other dental procedure.

If you are looking for information on the procedures Endodontists, perform on patients, it helps you to realize whether or not you require endodontic treatment or help from a specialist treating infections within your tooth.

In this article, we look at the three most common endodontic procedures performed by Endodontists who satisfy an additional two years of training beyond dental school. These specialists focus on tooth pain diagnosis and root canal treatments besides other processes related to the inside of your tooth.

The Three Most Common Endodontic Procedures

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatments are the most common endodontic procedures presently performed by the dentist in Torrance, a specialist in endodontics. This process is essential for patients with deep infections in a specific tooth to eradicate the infection and ensure the tooth’s functionality.

After the patient receives anesthetics to numb the tooth, the endodontist makes a tiny hole in the crown to expose the dental pulp and removes the infection within the tooth. After cleaning and disinfecting the canals, the endodontist seals the tooth with a rubber-like biocompatible material gutta-percha and recommends that the patient have the tooth restored with a dental crown to enjoy its full functionality. A root canal treated tooth functions like the other teeth and remains with the patient for life after this specialized treatment.


Another procedure performed by Endodontists is an apicoectomy, an option for patients who do not find relief to their problems after undergoing root canal therapy. An apicoectomy entails the experienced endodontist removing the tip of the tooth’s root before sealing the tooth for protection. An apicoectomy also entails making incisions in the gums by the endodontist to access the tooth root instead of making holes in the tooth.

Cracked Teeth Therapy

When patients approach endodontics in Torrance with cracked teeth, the endodontist verifies the category of the cracks before deciding the type of treatment best suited to repair the damage. Different categories for cracked teeth exist, including craze lines, fractured cusps, a vertical root fracture, a split tooth, and a genuine crack in the tooth. These cracks all need treatments to avoid losing them. Treatment options available for cracked teeth into dental fillings, dental crowns, endodontic surgery, extractions, et cetera.

Do You Need Endodontic Treatment?

To determine whether you need endodontic treatment, the best option is to schedule an appointment with the endodontist in Torrance to undergo a complete mouth evaluation. Endodontic procedures are not fearsome and are performed to preserve your natural tooth, which would otherwise face extraction. In addition, endodontic procedures are more affordable than tooth replacement solutions that become necessary when you lose your natural tooth.

Endodontists are qualified dental specialists with adequate knowledge about performing procedures within a tooth with the sole objective of preserving it. They are also specialists in providing anesthesia to ensure you undergo no discomfort during your process.

Depending on the type of endodontic procedure you are undergoing, you might experience discomfort following the treatment. However, Endodontists recommend a prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers to help you manage the pain. After you recover from your endodontic treatment, you can continue using your tooth as earlier because it functions like your natural teeth.

Endodontic treatments become necessary when you have a deep infection in a specific tooth causing pain and sensitivity to temperatures. The deep infection could result from an untreated cavity expanding to infect the dental pulp holding the blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves. The mention of root canal therapy is sufficient to shake you, but the procedure isn’t as fearsome as the myths spread about it. Millions of root canals, apicoectomies, and cracked teeth are treated by Endodontists to help patients preserve their natural teeth and avoid looking around for replacements.

Endodontic treatment also becomes necessary when you take an impact on your mouth that results in a cracked tooth and allows your mouth bacteria to infect it. Left untreated, the tooth continues to deteriorate until you must have it removed. Therefore if you think you need treatment from an endodontist, you must schedule an appointment with Sparkle Family Dentistry as soon as possible for an evaluation and receive the treatment without delay.

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