In most cases, a dentist recommends endodontics near you to stop the spread of the infection and save the teeth from further damage. Although the name endodontic treatment may sound terrifying, it refers to root canal therapy and other treatments that can save the teeth from infection. It is a painless procedure that removes the infection and prevents an extraction.
Endodontic treatment is a specialty that addresses the inner part of the teeth. Root canal therapy is the most commonly done treatment and it involves removing the infected pulp. Before you can get endodontics in Torrance, CA, it is important to know the parts of the teeth.
The teeth have three layers; the enamel, dentin, and the pulp (the inner layer). The pulp chamber houses nerves and blood vessels that nourish the teeth. The pulp, though it loses this important function when the teeth reach maturity, it is still important because the nerves give the teeth life. For example, when you eat something very hot or cold, you may experience sensitivity and it is the nerves that make it possible.
The pulp cavity can get infected because of a bacterial infection. Repeated dental procedures, an accident, or a fall can cause the teeth to be infected too. An infected pulp causes lingering sensitivity, darkening gums, pimples on the gums, severe pain when chewing, swollen and tender gums.
Root canal therapy can be done in one or two dental visits and it involves several steps, which include:
Our dentist in Torrance will begin the process with a comprehensive dental assessment. A radiograph may be done to check the condition of the jaw. The dentist will numb the gums to reduce the discomfort and pain. Sometimes, dental sedation is used to reduce phobia and anxiety or if you have a severe gag reflex.
The dentist will do teeth cleaning and separate the affected teeth with a protective sheet to keep them clean and free of saliva. Using small dental instruments, the dentist 90505 will open the crown to access the infected pulp and remove it. The pulp cavity is then cleaned, reshaped, and sealed with a biocompatible material. Temporary teeth fillings are used to cover the chamber and prevent reinfection.
Removing the infected pulp causes the teeth to get a little weak, and therefore you may need crowns to restore the strength and function of the teeth. The dentist will get a mold of the affected teeth on the first day of consultation to make permanent crowns.
As the numbness begins to clear, you may feel pain and soreness. Bleeding, sensitivity, and swelling are also common problems that you also might experience. The dentist will prescribe pain medication and other drugs to ease pain and prevent infection. The swelling and soreness will clear after 48 hours. But, if they persist, visit a dentist near you for assessment and treatment.
During the recovery period, it is crucial to protect the gums to facilitate healing. Eat soft foods that require less chewing. Also, stay away from spicy, hot, and hard foods that may irritate the gums.
No, the procedure is done to protect the teeth from further damage. The procedure may also cause internal bleeding leading to discoloration of the teeth. The dentist may recommend teeth whitening in Torrance to get rid of the stains.
Delaying the root canal treatment will cause the infection to spread to the rest of the teeth and surrounding tissues. This will damage the teeth and lead to tooth extraction, which is another dental problem. The removing of the teeth will leave unsightly gaps in your gums that can affect the jaw structure.
Visit Sparkle Family Dentistry for more information about endodontic treatment and what it involves.